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Monday, 6 October 2014

Full Metal Jacket

Stanley Kunbrick's Full metal jacket focuses on the harsh realaties of the Vietnam war and the experiences of new Marine recruits. The film is classed as a anti-war film giving the view of how a persons mentality is changed by War and what effects it has on someones choices. The film is very realistic showing the fatality of War.

The main antagonist is Private joker and shows him going through Marine training to becoming a fully qualififed Marine in the Vietnam War. The first part of the movie sees Private Joker and the other new recruits beginning training, the first scene of the movie shows this brilliantly by having the new recruits hair shaved off. This adds the effect that the recruits are losing their identies and becoming another marine. These training scenes shows the main struggles of the marines and how the army changes them into killers.

Once the movie gets to Vietnam it shows how low the morale is between US troops. Kunbrick also focuses on how loss of friends plays a big part in War, this also adds to the anti-war vibe he is trying to portray. However the movie did get very repetitive in the fighting scenes with a lot of explosions with no direction to them,which slowed the movie down.

I believe that Full Metal Jacket is worth a watch but  gets very repetitive with the first part of the movie (the training scene) being the best part of the movie before most of the plot is lost.

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